My favorite cartoon for all the time is Hey Arnold!
Hey Arnold! is an American animated television series that aired from October 7, 1996 until June 8, 2004 on Nickelodeon. The show stars 4th-grader Arnold, who lives with his grandparents Phil and Gertrude, proprietors of the Sunset Arms boarding house. In each episode, Arnold will often help a schoolmate solve a personal problem, or he will encounter a predicament of his own.
It is the story of a clever boy with a head shaped ball football and the smallest inhabitant of a multiethnic neighborhood, a dreamer who only lives for baseball. In the series most of the characters have a distinctive physical appearance. As Harold has the mouth of American football and ears around, Eugene has a pencil neck and a hairstyle that seems strange dog food, hard and spitting, Sid and Stinky have a huge nose, etc..
The strategic position of his neighborhood offers endless possibilities for adventure. With much love, ingenuity and refreshing music, this original production Nickelodeon explores what it is to grow through the eyes of a young man ready to see everything!
martes, 15 de julio de 2008
My favorite Cartoon!
EFL center,
my favorite cartoon,
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